Field Definitions | Billing File Layouts | Business Partners | National Fuel

Field Definitions

Field Definitions

Account creation date:

The date that the Customer account (RBA) was initially set up with National Fuel Gas.


Actual bill amount:

The total dollars that National Fuel billed the RBA for the marketer.


Additional consumption:

Additional consumption is used to capture consumption in exception situations. An example would be a non registering meter. This value should always be added to the consumption computed from the meter reads to determine total consumption.


ADDQ Day 01-31:

Aggregated Daily Delivery Quantity

Aggregated Daily Demand Quantity

The city gate delivery requirement amounting to the sum of the DDQs for all customers in a Marketer’s aggregation group (pool).

The minimum quantity that National Fuel will require a Marketer to deliver in any gas day to meet the aggregation group’s forecast daily requirement.

Since the quantity to be delivered can change over the course of the month, each record will contain the most recent calculation for each day of the month.


Aggregation group id

Unique identification number assigned to each group of customers being aggregated. It is possible for a supplier/marketer to operate multiple groups. A group cannot contain customers (RBAs) from different states. Aggregation groups are analogous to delivery pools.


Assignment status code & Assignment status description

The aggregator assignment status code indicates the status of an aggregation assignment. Valid aggregation status codes are:

A Active – assignment is currently in use for an RBA.

P Pending – the assignment will become active the next time the RBA is cycle billed. The effective start billing date will be the day after the cycle bill date.

I Inactive – assignment is no longer is use, it was once active.

C Canceled – assignment was created in error and eliminated.

Q Requested – an assignment that will remain as a “note” indefinitely without ever going active, unless its status is changed manually.

R Rejected – an assignment that was rejected and will never become active.


Assignment start reference date

The reference date used to start an RBA aggregation assignment. Aggregation for the assignment will begin the day after the next cycle bill date greater than this date.


Assignment start billing date

The start billing date of an aggregation assignment is the date on which the aggregator becomes responsible for supplying and billing the RBA.


Assignment end reference date

The reference date used to end an RBA aggregation assignment. Aggregation for the assignment will end the next cycle bill date greater than this date.


Assignment end billing date

The end billing date of an aggregation assignment is the last day the aggregator is responsible for supplying and billing the RBA.



Indicates whether a customer is part of National Fuel automatic payment program.



The amount of non-heat load gas a customer historically consumes every month in hundreds of cubic feet.  Meter baseload is the baseload for only one meter location.  Account level baseload is an accumulation of all meter location baseloads for an account.


Beginning balance

Balance forward from prior billings.


Bill amount

The total dollars that National Fuel would have billed the RBA at bundled sales rates, including all applicable taxes.


Billing control

The control in which an account is billed (RBA). National Fuel’s customer are split up into 21 controls each of which bills 12 times in a calendar year.


Billing control effective date

The date on which an account was put into a billing control. Accounts can be moved from one billing control to another in order for National Fuel to improve or maintain operational efficiency.


Billing date

The current month being billed


Billing month

The month for which charges are being assessed or adjusted.


Bill period days

The number of days in the period being billed.


Bill to date

The bill to date is the last day of a billing period.


Bill type code

The type of billing process that created the associated bill. The appropriate values are as follows:

‘01’ = initial billing

‘02’ = cycle billing

‘03’ = final billing

‘04’ = cancel

‘05’ = rebill

‘06’ = 60 day cancel

‘07’ = 60 day rebill


Block max consumption

The maximum consumption in CCF that can be billed with the rate associated with block.


Block rate

The rate of the block used to bill consumption up to the maximum for the block.


Budget plan

Indicates whether a customer is on budget plan with National Fuel.


City gate imbalance volume

Volume of gas purchased at city gate imbalance rates.


City gate imbalance rate

City gate imbalance rate.


City gate imbalance charge

Total city gate imbalance charges.



This is the gas consumption in CCF calculated based on meter reads and additional consumption. It is provided in the Consumption history and Daily bill amount audit files for SATS customers.


County code and county name

A code and name identifying the county of the premises being served. The table of all codes is provided in the general tables.


County sales tax exemption rate

The exemption rate indicates the percentage of county sales tax that a customer is exempt from. From 0% (not exempt) to 100% (completely exempt).


Current charges and description

The total charges from current month’s activity.


Cust first name

First name of the end use customer associated with the RBA.


Cust last name

Last name of the end use customer associated with the RBA.


Cust middle init

Middle initial of the end use customer associated with the RBA.


Cust phone number

The most recent phone number on file for the customer associated with the RBA.


Cust status code

Account status of the end use customer associated with the RBA, ‘A’ – Active, ‘I’ – Inactive


Cust status date:

The date upon which the Cust status code became effective.


Credit adjustment and description

The total credit adjustments from prior billing months in the current billing month.


Customer late payment date

Late payment date on Choice customer account and earliest date for next POR Payment.


Daily Delivery Quantity (DDQ)

A projection of daily consumption at the account level, calculated using heating factors or historical consumption.



The day the average degree days are in.


DDQ Algorithm

1 of 3 algorithms used to calculate a DDQ. 1) Estimated consumption using heating factors. 2) Based on consumption from 2 months ago. 3) Based on last year’s consumption.


DDQ Start Date

The first date used for calculating a DDQ. A DDQ will attempt to be calculated for each day between the DDQ Start Date and DDQ End Date.


DDQ End Date

The last date used for calculating a DDQ. A DDQ will attempt to be calculated for each day between the DDQ Start Date and DDQ End Date.


DDQ Pending On Date

The projected aggregation assignment start date that will be displayed if an account is pending onto the aggregation group at some point within the DDQ start and end dates.


DDQ Pending Off Date

The projected aggregation assignment end date that will be displayed if an account is pending off of the aggregation group at some point within the DDQ start and end dates.


Debit adjustment and description

The total debit adjustments from prior billing months in the current billing month.


Degree Date

The date for which the degree days and average temp are for.


Degree Day Factor

The amount of gas a customer historically consumes for each degree day in hundreds of cubic feet. Meter degree day is the for only one meter location. Account level degree day is an accumulation of all meter degree day factors for an account.


Delivery Pool ID

Unique identification assigned to each delivery pool. It is possible for a supplier/marketer to operate multiple pools. A pool cannot contain customers (RBAs) from different states. Delivery pools are analogous to aggregation group IDs.


Dial count

Indicates the number of dials on a meter. It is needed to interpret meter turns.


Due date

The last date a payment can be made before late charges are assessed.


Effective month

The month in which the data on this record is effective.


Effective year

The year in which the data on this record is effective.


EDZR disc credit

The economic development zone rate discount credit calculated for an RBA.


Gas commodity amt

Used in DSS aggregation accounts. The marketer charges placed on the National Fuel bill for the county and the end-user.


Gas commodity rate

Used in DSS aggregation accounts. The rate supplied by the marketer to be placed on the National Fuel bill for the county and the end-user.


Gas delivery pool id

The unique identification assigned to each group of customers being aggregated. It is possible for a supplier/marketer to operate multiple pools. A pool cannot contain customers (RBA’s) from different states. Gas delivery pools are analogous to Aggregation groups.


Gross receipts tax

Total of gross receipts tax charges. This is computed at the RBA level on the consumption bill detail and assessed on capacity bills.


GRT tax rate/GRT rate

Gross receipts tax rate in effect.


GRT tax charge/GRT amt

Total of gross receipts tax charges. This is computed at the RBA level on the consumption bill detail and assessed on capacity bills.


Import tax volume

Volume of gas transported subject to import tax.


Import tax rate

Rate at which imported gas is taxed.


Import tax charge

Total import tax charges.


Last customer payment date

The date of the last payment by a choice customer. This is the Marketer’s portion of the payment only.


Last customer payment date

The amount of the last payment by a choice customer. This is the Marketer’s portion of the payment only, it does not include any National Fuel payment amount.


Last POR payment date

The date of the last POR payment made to the marketer for that customer’s Account.


Last POR payment amount

The amount of the last POR payment made to the marketer for that customer’s Account.


Late payment amount and description

The late payment amount is equal to overdue amount multiplied by the late payment rate.


Late payment amount

The amount owed due to a late payment.


Late payment date

The date shown on the customer’s bill, after which any late payment charge subject amount is eligible for application of a 1.5% late payment charge.


Late payment subject amount

The amount on which any appropriate late payment charge is calculated. At cycle billing, this amount is determined by taking the account current balance immediately prior to billing and subtracting all bills not yet due (as of four days prior to cycle billing), all debit items to the customer account since the last cycle billing except NSF checks, and in Pennsylvania, any accumulated late payment charge.


Mail address 1

First line of the mailing address for the customer (RBA).


Mail address 2

Second line of the mailing address for the customer (RBA).


Mail zip code

The mailing zip code for the customer (RBA).


Marketer id

Unique identification number assigned to each organization that initiates an aggregation account with National Fuel Gas. This will be used by the marketer along with a password to access NFG WEB server.


Marketer Budget Plan add deduct

Indicates that the customer is on budget plan with the Marketer, and the amount of the adjustment.


Marketer Budget Plan cancel

Indicates that the customer is on budget plan with the Marketer, and the cancelled amount.


Marketer Budget Plan Current Balance

The current balance that a choice customer has on the Marketer portion of the budget plan.


Marketer Budget Plan Current Payment Amount

The current payment amount that a choice customer has on the Marketer portion of the budget plan.


Marketer Budget Plan Indicator

Indicates whether or not if the customer is on Budget Plan with the marketer.


Marketer Budget Plan Indicator Change Date

Indicates the most recent date that the Marketer Budget Plan Indicator has been changed.


Marketer Current Balance

A choice customer’s balance at the time the file was created. This is the marketer’s portion of the balance only, it does not include any National Fuel balance.


Marketer Late Payment Code

The late payment code is used to identify the additional rate to be charged a customer for a late payment.


Marketer Late Payment Amount

The late payment amount is equal to overdue amount owed to the marketer multiplied by the late payment rate.


Marketer Overdue Amount

The amount of a choice customer’s balance that is overdue (late) at the time the file was created. This is the marketer’s portion of the overdue balance only, it does not include any National Fuel overdue amount.


Marketer Rate Code

A code used to identify the rate that is to be associated with an RBA when National Fuel Gas Distribution Company is providing billing services for the Aggregation Group to which the RBA is enrolled.


Marketer Rate Code Effective Date

The date that a Marketer Rate identified by the Marketer Rate Code becomes effective for that RBA.


Marketer sales tax amount

The total sales tax dollars that National Fuel billed the RBA for the Marketer when the Marketer uses National Fuel’s billing service.


Marketer total amount billed

The total dollars that National Fuel billed the RBA for the Marketer when the Marketer uses National Fuel’s billing service (does not include sales tax).


Meter location number

The meter location number is a unique location that a meter can be placed. These numbers are never changed or reissued.


Meter number

The meter number is a manufacturer serial number assigned to the meter. These are not unique and can move to different meter locations over time.


Meter read date

The calendar date of a meter reading.


Meter reading

This is reading in CCF that would be used for National Fuel billing. It can be actual or estimated and has passed all NFG edit checks before being provided.


Meter read frequency code

A code indicating when a given meter is to be read for each cycle. The codes are as follows:

O – bimonthly–Odd

E – bimonthly–Even

M – Monthly


Meter read source code and meter read source description

A code and description describing the type of read and reason for read. The table of all codes is provided in the general tables. Also included on the table is an abbreviated description.


Meter read source type name and type abbreviation

A high level classification of meter readings to allow for prioritization of those reading for editing, billing and/or purging. This classification, for example, allows the system or user to place more value (integrity) on a company meter reading than on a customer meter reading, or more value on a customer meter reading than on an estimated meter reading.


Meter read used for bill code

Indicates if the meter reading was used for billing and how it was used.

B – used for billing – boundary read – ends/starts a billing period

N – not used for billing – just a memo read

U – used for billing – a reading that’s necessary for billing but doesn’t end/start a billing period (usually meter sets/removes, meter changes, etc. that are done mid-cycle.)


Min charge

The minimum bill calculated for all end use accounts (RBA).



The month the average degree days are in.


Monthly consumption

The estimated calendar month consumption for an RBA in CCF.


NY average (normal) degree days

New York’s average heating degree days for a specific month and day.


NY average temp

New York’s actual average temperature for the date.


NY degree days

New York’s actual heating degree days for the date.


Open/close type

A one character code identifying boundary meter readings (those meter readings which either start (open) or stop (close) the billing of an account (lock, unlock, set, remove) or of a meter or meter index (meter change set, meter change remove).


Other charge description

A description of other charges which are included in the capacity bill. The charge may be per MCF in which a volume and a rate are entered or the charge could be a straight dollar amount.


Other charge volume

The volume of gas associated for this particular other charge.


Other charge rate

The rate associated for this particular other charge.


Other charge amount

Total amount for this particular charge on the capacity bill.


Overdue amount and description

The amount overdue. It is equal to prior balance minus payments made and credit adjustments.


PA average (normal) degree days

Pennsylvania’s average heating degree days for a specific month and day.


PA average temp

Pennsylvania’s actual average temperature for the date.


PA degree days

Pennsylvania’s actual heating degree days for the date.


Peak Daily Delivery Quantity (PDDQ)

A projection of daily consumption at the account level, calculated using peak day heating factors.


Posted amount

The amount of money (debit or credit) that is applied to an RBA’s current balance.


Posted amount transaction code

A code indicating various types of dollar transactions initiated by National Fuel affecting a customer’s current balance. Valid codes include:

LO – The “Lesser Of” (LO) transaction occurs on an inactive account where a customer has not paid their full account balance and the customer was charged more by the marketer than they would have been charged by National Fuel Gas Distribution (NFGDC). The amount charged in excess of NFGDC’s rates will be returned to the marketer as an offset to subsequent purchase payments at the time that the inactive account balance is transferred to another active account or written off to bad debt.

P1 – Posting Correction – used for transferring money between accounts when an error has occurred in posting, i.e. payment posted to an incorrect account (could be debit or credit amount)

P7 – National Fuel purchase of receivable payment made to supplier.

R1 – Ratepayer Payment – used for customer payment made to National Fuel (credit amount)

R6 – Remittance Processing Correction – used for correcting a posting to an account where an error has occurred (could be debit or credit amount)

R7 – Multiple Posting Correction – used for correcting multiple (duplicate) postings to an account when an error has occurred with records received from outside payment vendors; initiated by the vendor (could be debit or credit amount)

R8 – AutoPay – used for payment received from a customer due to direct debiting of a customer’s bank account (credit amount)

S7 – Supplier Balance Return – used for when the relationship between a Supplier and customer has been severed and a balance was remaining on the Supplier account, which was returned to the Supplier (could be debit or credit amount)

SH – National Fuel Gas Credit Transfer to Supplier – used for automatic transfer to the Supplier for any credit remaining on the National Fuel balance, calculated at billing. It is limited to the Supplier balance owed or the amount of the credit transfer which ever is less (credit amount)

SJ – National Fuel Gas Transfer to Supplier – used for manual transfer to the Supplier for any credit remaining on the National Fuel balance, calculated at any time. It is limited to the Supplier balance owed or the amount of the credit transfer which ever is less (normally a credit amount; can be a debit if correcting a previous error credit amount)


The following are transactions initiated by a Supplier:

SB – Supplier Balance Change – use to adjust a Supplier balance in the case of when there is an error in the balance amount (could be debit or credit amount)

SC – Paid to Supplier for Supplier balance – use for payment received from a customer by a Supplier where payment is to be applied to the Supplier balance (normally a credit amount, can be a debit if correcting a previous error credit amount) FOR PENNSYLVANIA ONLY

SD – Paid to Supplier for National Fuel balance – use for payment received from a customer by a Supplier where payment is to be applied against a National Fuel balance (normally a credit amount, can be a debit if correcting a previous error credit amount), FOR PENNSYLVANIA ONLY

SE – Supplier Penalty – use for when a penalty is charged on a customer’s account (normally a debit, can be a credit if correcting a previous error debit amount)

SF – Supplier Rebate – use for when a rebate is applied to a customer’s account (normally a credit, can be a debit if correcting a previous error credit amount)

SG – Supplier Balance Transfer – use for when a customer is being switched from an old account to a new account such as in the case of when a customer’s moves (can be a debit or credit amount), FOR PENNSYLVANIA ONLY

SP – Ratepayer Payment to Supplier – use for customer payment made to a Supplier (normally a credit amount, can be a debit if correcting a previous error credit amount), FOR NY ONLY

TA – Termination Amount – use to notify National Fuel of Supplier termination amount due from a customer, FOR NY ONLY

DP – Deferred Payment Amount – use to notify National Fuel of monthly payment due from a customer under a Supplier Deferred Payment Agreement, FOR NY ONLY

DW – Down Payment Amount – use to notify National Fuel of down payment amount due from a customer under a Supplier Deferred Payment Agreement, FOR NY ONLY

As far as what transactions to use for your balancing, R1, R8, SC, SD, SH and SP will be your most common transactions occurring daily, with occasional P1, R6, R7, SB, SE, SF, SG or SJ transactions. The S7 transactions can be ignored as far as balancing is concerned.


Posted date

The date in the format of yyyymmdd on which an amount of money (debit or credit) was applied to an RBA’s current balance.


Premises address

The full street address of the premises being served. It is the address of the meter and meter location, not the customer.


Prior balance and description

The balance from the previous bill


Processing month

The month in which charges are calculated.


Ratepayer billing account id (RBA)

Unique identification number assigned to each end use customer that initiates an gas account will National Fuel Gas. RBAs are never reissued.


Record code

An indicator specifying the change status of a customer record on the Residential & Commercial End Users Connected to National Fuel’s System file. Values are:

Space – No changes to record since last list was provided.

A – Record was not on previous list.

C – Record modified since last list was provided.

D – Record no longer marketable (inactivated RBAs)


Revenue class

A two digit code identifying for revenue reporting purposes, the type of burner-tip usage of natural gas. The first digit identifies whether the usage includes space heating (1 or 3) or not (0 or 2). The second digit identifies the end use as residential (1), commercial (2), industrial (3); public authority (4); etc.


Sales tax

Total of sales tax charges. This is computed at the RBA level on the consumption bill detail and assessed on capacity bills.


Sales tax rate

Sales tax rate in effect.


Sales tax charge

Total of sales tax charges. This is computed at the RBA level on the consumption bill detail and assessed on capacity bills.


SC12 commodity volume

Volume of gas purchased at service class 30 rates.


SC12 commodity rate

Service class 30 commodity rate.


SC12 commodity charge

Total charges for gas purchased under service class 30.


SC12 demand volume

Total volume contracted for under service class 30.


SC12 demand rate

The rate at which service class 30 demand volumes are billed.


SC12 demand charges

Total charges for contracted service class 30 demand volumes.


School district code and school district name

A code and name identifying the school district of the premises being served. The table of all codes is provided in the general tables.


School sales tax exemption rate

The exemption rate indicates the percentage of school sales tax that a customer is exempt from. From 0% (not exempt) to 100% (completely exempt).


Service Class

The Service Class associated with the account of the Customer (RBA).

Service Class Cross Reference for the Customer Information Inquiry:

New York

13M TC-R13M TC-5Residential
13M TC-1.013M TC-6Non-Res < 5000 MCF/YR
13M TC-1.113M TC-1Non-Res 5000 to 25000 MCF/YR
13M TC-213M TC-2Non-Res 25000 to 55000 MCF/YR
13M TC-313M TC-3Non-Res 55000 to 150000 MCF/YR
13M TC-413M TC-4Industrial > 150000 MCF/YR
13M TC-4.113M TC-8Non-Ind > 150000 MCF/YR


NY for New York, PA for Pennsylvania.


State sales tax exemption rate
The exemption rate indicates the percentage of state sales tax that a customer is exempt from. From 0% (not exempt) to 100% (completely exempt).


Tailblock margin
This is used as part of the weather normalization calculation.


Take or Pay charge
Total take or pay charges calculated for an RBA.


Take or Pay rate
Take or pay rate is used to calculate take or pay charges under transportation. These charges are separate from and in addition to transportation charges.


Total amount owed amount and description
The total amount owed is total of current charges, prior period adjustments and balances and late payment charges.


Total charges
The total accumulated charges for a detail item. This field appears on the consumption detail records for RBAs and on the capacity bill detail by aggregation group.


Town code and town name
A code and name identifying the town of the premises being served. The table of all codes is provided in the general tables.


Town sales tax exemption rate
The exemption rate indicates the percentage of town sales tax that a customer is exempt from. From 0% (not exempt) to 100% (completely exempt).


Trade to volume
Gas traded to a supplier to relieve an imbalance situation.


Trade from volume
Gas traded from a supplier to relieve an imbalance situation.


Trade rate
The imbalance trading rate.


Trade charge
Equal to trade rate multiplied by the total volume of gas traded to and from a supplier.


Transition charge
Total transition charges calculated for an RBA.


Transport amt per block
The amount calculated for the bill for each block of the rate structure.


Transport charge
Total transportation charges calculated for an RBA.


Transition rate
Transition rate is used to calculate transition charges under transportation. These charges are separate from and in addition to transportation charges.


Transport rate class description
A narrative description of the transportation rate class indicative of type of customers qualifying for the rate class. FOR example, “TC – Residential”.


Transport rate class id
Indicates the transportation rate schedule being used to bill an RBA. This key can be used along with billing month to access the transportation rate tables to obtain actual rates.


Transport rate effective date
The date that the rate begins to be used for billing.


Transport rate per block
The rate used to calculate the bill for each block of the rate structure.


Units of measure code and units of measure description
A code and description describing units of measurement on a meter.


Upstream capacity charge volume
The volume of gas eligible for capacity release surcharge or credit.


Upstream capacity charge rate
The rate at which the surcharge or credit is billed at.


Upstream capacity charge
Total charges to the release of upstream capacity. Can be a charge or credit.


Weather norm
Indicates whether a rate class get a weather normalization charge or not. Is only Y(es) for certain NY rate classes.


Weather norm rate
The rate used to compute the weather norm amount. Can be positive or negative based on actual degree days in the billing period.


Weather norm charge/Weather norm amt
In NY certain transportation rate classes have a weather normalization charge added to total charges. It is based on the actual degree days in the billing period as compared to normal for that period. It can be a charge or credit.

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