Storage Gas Transfer Rate | Business Partners | National Fuel

PA City Gate Imbalance Resolution Rate Information

PA City Gate Imbalance Resolution Rate Information

Small Aggregation Transportation Supplier Service (SATS) & Monthly Metered Natural Gas Supplier Service (MMNGS)


Statement of Rates Used for Purchases/Sales to Resolve Imbalances Applicable to Usage Under the City Gate Imbalances


Pursuant to National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation’s Tariff purchases to resolve net Surplus Imbalances and/or sales to resolve net Deficiency Imbalances shall be performed at the rates identified below:

Delivery Month110% Market Price of GasUnderdelivery Sales Floor RateTransportation Cost to City GateMax Underdelivery Sales Rate (Non-OFO)BTU FactorMax Underdelivery Sales Rate (Non-OFO)
Note B
Note B
Note A
25-Jan$10.9241 $10.0000 $0.2107 $11.1348 1.045$11.6359
24-Dec$3.2527 $10.0000 $0.1115 $10.1115 1.047$10.5867
24-Nov$3.3869 $10.0000 $0.1132 $10.1132 1.044$10.5582
24-Oct$2.1120 $7.0000 $0.0968 $7.0968 1.046$7.4233
24-Sep$2.0735 $7.0000 $0.0963 $7.0963 1.049$7.4440
24-Aug$1.7930 $7.0000 $0.0926 $7.0926 1.050$7.4472
24-Jul$2.0339 $7.0000 $0.0958 $7.0958 1.047$7.4293
24-Jun$2.3430 $7.0000 $0.0998 $7.0998 1.049$7.4477
24-May$2.0900 $7.0000 $0.0965 $7.0965 1.055$7.4868
24-Apr$1.8282 $7.0000 $0.0931 $7.0931 1.051$7.4548
24-Mar$1.6940 $10.0000 $0.0898 $10.0898 1.046$10.5539
24-Feb$2.0130 $10.0000 $0.0934 $10.0934 1.048$10.5779
24-Jan$15.1107 $10.0000 $0.2302 $15.3409 1.047$16.0619
23-Dec$2.6730 $10.0000 $0.0919 $10.0919 1.051$10.6066
23-Nov$2.9700 $10.0000 $0.0952 $10.0952 1.051$10.6101
23-Oct$3.1647 $7.0000 $0.0973 $7.0973 1.051$7.4593
23-Sep$2.1307 $7.0000 $0.0860 $7.0860 1.049$7.4332
23-Aug$1.7820 $7.0000 $0.0821 $7.0821 1.046$7.4079


General Note: The total Market Price of gas for the day references the volume weighted average price at Tennessee Gas Pipeline’s Zone 4 200 Line pool, referred in the SNL Natural Gas Index as the “TGP Z 4 200L”plus all transportation costs to the Company’s City Gate. Prior to May 2016, the reference point was Columbia Gas Transmission’s Appalachian pool or “TCO Pool”. Columbia Gas Transmission’s Appalachian pool, referred in the SNL Natural Gas Index as the “TCO Pool”.

Note A: Transportation Costs to the Company's City Gate

Costs include transportation commodity costs on Columbia Transmission and National Fuel Gas Supply plus associated fuel cost equal to the retention rate times the market price.

Note B: Daily City Gate Underdeliveries

For Daily City Gate underdeliveries in excess of two (2) percent, for SATS or five (5) percent, for MMNGS, of the applicable ADDQ during the Winter Period (November through March), the charge for the gas supplied by the Company to make up for the underdeliveries shall be equal to the higher of $10.00 per Dth or 110% of the Market Price of gas for that day. During the Summer Period (April through October), this charge shall be equal to the higher of $7.00 per Dth or 110% of the Market Price of gas for that day. The actual rate depends upon the date(s) on which the city gate imbalance occurs.

Note C: Daily City Gate Underdeliveries - Applicable Date

The rate shown in this table is the highest daily City Gate Underdelivery rate that occurred during the calendar month. The rates for other days in the month may be downloaded from the Company’s Web Site (Login-ID & Password are required).

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