Project Timeline | National Fuel Gas Company

Project Timeline

Project Timeline

How our projects progress:

June 2023

Preliminary route review (tabletop map review and desktop review via publicly available data sets)

September 2023

Landowner Information Session

Begin landowner notification and survey permission

October 2023-July 2024

Survey, environmental, and engineering studies of preferred route

June 2024

Conduct Project Open House and commence right of way acquisition

Late Summer 2024

Submit 7(b) and (c) application to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Fall/Winter 2024

Regulatory agency review and environment assessments

Summer 2025

Anticipated Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approval

Early Calendar Year 2026

Begin timber clearing and site activities

June 2026

Construction begins

July 2026

Restoration begins

Fall 2026

Target in-service date

Summer 2027

Complete remaining restoration

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