Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund | Northwest PA Residences | National Fuel

Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund

Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund

This home-heating assistance grant program is available on a first-come, first-served basis and provides low-income Pennsylvanians with help to:

  • Prevent disconnection of their service
  • Pay current or past-due energy bills (excluding electric utilities)
  • Purchase home heating fuel of any kind

Qualifying individuals or families may receive a one-time grant of up to $500 per program year.

Who Is Eligible?

In order to qualify for a grant, applicants must fall into at least one of the following classifications:

  • Be at least 55 years old
  • Household is below 200% federal poverty income level
  • A member of their household must be handicapped or have a disability that reduces the household’s income
  • Have a certified medical emergency
  • Be a veteran
  • Experience a verifiable, recent loss of income within the past 30 days
  • Receive unemployment benefits

Other Requirements to Qualify

  • Applicants must provide evidence of need.
  • Applicants must reside in National Fuel’s service territory; however, they are not required to be a National Fuel customer.
  • Customers who are not eligible for LIHEAP, or who need more than a LIHEAP grant, may be eligible to receive Neighbor for Neighbor funds to alleviate an energy emergency.

How Do I Apply?

Please schedule an interview by contacting one of the locations below. At the time of your interview you must provide proof of identification, monthly income and monthly expenses.

Applications are screened and grants are administered by human service organizations from 14 Northwestern Pennsylvania counties.

For information on how to apply and if you reside in the Erie area, please call the number below.

814-459-4581, extension 428

If you reside outside of Erie, view the list below to find an agency near you. They will be able to help you determine the necessary documentation required for an application interview.

Butler Salvation Army
313 W Cunningham Street
Butler, PA 16001

United Way of Clarion County
P.O. Box 207
Clarion, PA 16421

Central Pennsylvania Community Action, Inc. (CPCA)
207 E Cherry Street
Clearfield, PA 16830

Associated Charities
409 E Central Avenue
Titusville, PA 16354

Center for Family Services
13 Center Street
Meadville, PA 16335

Northern Tier Community Action
P.O. Box 389
Emporium, PA 15834

18 W 9th Street
Erie, PA 16501

Salvation Army
111 Jackson Avenue
P.O. Box 314
Bradford, PA 16701

Community Action Partnership of Mercer County
75 S Dock Street
Sharon, PA 16146

United Way of Venango County
1999 Allegheny Blvd
Reno, PA 16343

Warren/Forest Counties Economic Opportunity Council (EOC)
1209 Pennsylvania West
P.O. Box 547
Warren, PA 16365

How Can I Support Neighbor for Neighbor?

National Fuel customers can have a tax-deductible donation of $1, $2, $5 or any other amount added to their monthly bill.

Contribute to the Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund.

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